50 - Digitalina e Lanatosideo-C na insuficiência cardíaca da criança, Medicina, Cirurgia e Farmácia, 1962;297:48-57

Inéditos aspectos na literatura mundial


The author presents a series of nineteen cases of cardiac insufficiency all of them in children six months to twelve years of age, due to either infectious or rheumatic causes. Digitalin (digitoxin) was employed in fourteen cases and Lanatoside-C in five cases.

Confirming the views already stated in 1948 for his first series, the author advises maximum figures for the initial dose or broken doses to be administered during the first 24 hours, as well as for the maintenance dose, whereas the digitalizing dosage varies according to the grade of cardiac insufficiency and has no fixed time limits for administration.

Review of pertinent literature leads the author to the statement that administration of digital to children, according to their body weight, is no longer adopted and reports on the results obtained with his own maximum doses, relatively larger for children than for adults; thus the results achieved and the perfect tolerance observed constitute a very encouraging experiment.

The author is of the opinion that the digitalization usually recommended through experience of various authors, as reported in the meager literature, is due for better study since his own experience deems it as insufficient generally and incapable of achieving the results aimed at by modern digital therapy.

The author's preference for oral administration of digitalis is stressed; he furthermore states that his digitalizing conduct is based on close supervision of each particular case, the grouping of which makes up his casuistic.